Monday, December 20, 2010

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List No. 2 won elections in Lambayeque Bar

Ezequiel Correa, the new Dean of the College of Lawyers of Lambayeque

' 'The day was held Saturday's runoff election for nuevo cuerpo directivo del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lambayeque, 2011-2012, estas justas se desarrollaron con total normalidad en el local ubicado en la Urb. Santa Victoria de la Provincia de Chiclayo.

Esta vez la lista Nº 2 representada por el doctor Ezequiel Chavarry Correa, obtuvo 254 votos de los letrados que acudieron a votar, mientras que su contrincante de la lista Nº 5 doctor Victor Anacleto Guerrero, consiguió 1,109 votos.

Esperamos que el nuevo cuerpo directivo apoye que le ICAL recobre el brío y la calidad de institución representativa de los abogados lambayecanos que se ha visto opacada durante la ultima década.

-2011-2012 Board

-Dean .- Ezekiel B. Correa Chavarry

-Vice-Dean .- Alexander Becerra Pérez

-Director Secretary .- Mary Elizabeth Hill

Moreno, Director of Economic
.- Consuelo Torres Estela

-Director Academic .- María del Rosario Asmat Goicochea

-Director of Ethics .- Leopoldo Izquierdo Hernández

-Director of Defense .- José Hernán Neciosup Chancafe

-Director of Welfare .- White Genevieve Paredes Guevara

-Director of Communication .- Hernán Cabrera Montalvo

-Director of Library .- Omar Antonio Zapata López

-Director H. Rights - Felipe Zegarra Guillen

-Study Director J. - Andrés Enrique Mozo Maeda

''Digital Journal "The Uncover"

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Dr. Carlos Silva Muñoz: "There will be changes in the judicial branch of Lambayeque"

Advances creating a new criminal chamber of appeals to prevent load
Next January 3, the top vocal Carlos Silva Muñoz assume the presidency for two years of the Superior Court of Justice of Lambayeque, and vision to make some changes to improve care and have a better approach to community. One of the main goals of his future administration is to improve the administration of justice and give speed to the legal proceedings to prevent the caseload is becoming a new problem.

lambayecana In the Court's "many problems have already detected?

Even before run for president de la Corte de Justicia de Lambayeque conozco gran parte de ellos, porque soy juez y he vivido los mismos. Sin embargo, para estar empapado de todo y tener llegada directa a los problemas, estoy manteniendo reuniones diarias con los jueces de las diversas instancias y especialidades, para ver la forma directa cual es la problemática en general que tenemos en este distrito judicial.

¿Cuál es el objetivo?

Conversar con cada unos de los magistrados me va a permitir generar un diagnóstico e investigar sobre la problemática del Poder Judicial. La Corte de Justicia de Lambayeque es parte del sistema democrático nacional, porque está doomed to resolve conflicts of all people.

How important is the role of the judiciary in society?

We have an important role in our society that is democratic, transcendent and even societies can exist without laws, but necessarily have to be judges. The role of the judiciary in society is important because if there is no justice, there would be chaos, and if there is chaos, there is no society. The judiciary is important for the development of societies.

The judiciary is very important, but also many problems What to do?

Like any institution we have economic problems of organization, among others, but the problems are soluble, ie can be solved or given solution.

How to find solution to these problems?

There are many ways to give or find a solution to problems. For me, it just requires the conduct of the institution from a technical standpoint-political but not partisan, but political science.

But does that is present or not?

Currently, there is a bad image to the national judiciary, but I am of the idea and I have the certainty that an institutional policy, the judiciary Logar will reverse the negative image sometimes has. The strategies will be implemented to solve the image problem has to be technical, professional and specific.

What comes after the January 3 next year?

technical work comes
administrative, institutional autonomy, independence of the judge, but everything that has to support efficiency and ethical implications. All these parameters obviously require specific measures.

Where is democracy?

I am democratic in nature and I like listening to people to find solutions to problems and to innovate. Our management will be successful at the end of these 2 years.

And where is the distrust of the people in the judiciary?

The issue of public confidence is the main state institutions, and the Judiciary is not others.

The negative image is due to many factors, for example, non-completion of legal proceedings within the time limits, the proper care not by the administrators of justice to litigants, the result of judgments in adjudicative system based on, among others.

This means that the negative image of the judiciary is due to the dissatisfaction of the litigants with the decisions or judgments that the judges issue. Yes or no?

When there is an issue and reach a decision, you will always see people who are unhappy and dissatisfied. We do not We are facilitators.

The new Code of Criminal Procedure has a good time in effect. Are there any results?

We have good results, but these results are optimal in the administration of justice than we need to create a new Criminal Court of Appeals. Currently there by Dr. Magdalena Chavez Mella, which is no longer sufficient and needs a new, which will be created in the early months of next year.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Ethics committees will mediate in disputes between patients and physicians

Health seeks to prevent the judges are settling the differences

Saturday, December 4, 2010

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The risks of rent eviction trial may last up to 5 years for slow judicial

The most serious is that if that process win in two instances, nothing says that paying tenant has acted in bad faith to pay the debt accumulated by not paying rent.

Homelessness. Luz Benavente (who accompanied his son Emilio) Pita Lazo fears remain in the department that hired him without paying his debt. (Photo: Karen Zárate)
By Cesar Sarria Gomi

A Luz Benavente, Jesus Alberto Lazo Pita seemed like an honorable person since hitting door for the first time to ask for the department in Surco, in September 2008. He introduced himself as a lawyer and that convinced her. He would rent for a year, monthly S/.700.

What Benavente Lazo never suspected was that just use their knowledge of law to extend his tenure in that department in the Los Sauces sun without paying rent.

The problems began months later, when Lazo, a difficult person to deal, in his home, refused to pay the maintenance department. After a series of complaints and conflicts, Benavente decided not to renew his contract. When I reported, Lazo said, "We will go to trial. As a lawyer I will take care of it last as long as possible. Meanwhile, forget to charge me that I will not pay a sun. "

been over a year and Lazo carried out his threat. The eviction trial brought him Benavente Benavente has not advanced and does not know where to turn.

Last night, at 7:30 pm, El Comercio sought to tie in the department of Surquillo. Although he saw a light on, no one opened. It was stressed for an hour without success. The lawyer also has no landline phone in your name.

Like this there are hundreds of cases where owners are victims of bad faith of their tenants without the Peruvian legal system provides a quick and fair.

According Pio Salazar, lawyer at Pizarro, Botto & Escobar, an eviction trial may last up to five years. "The problem is the lack of resources and capabilities Judicial Branch to resolve all cases. This is compounded by strikes and corruption. In an ideal scenario, an eviction trial should not last more than six months, "he said.

worst thing is that if this trial win in two instances, nothing says that paying tenant has acted in bad faith to pay the debt accumulated by not paying rent. In most cases, owners are satisfied to see those bad tenants out of their property.

"The victim may start a new trial to collect the money owed. However, this new process can last as long as the eviction, "said Salazar.

Fausto Viale, lawyer at Rubio, Leguia, Normand & Associates, explains that the owners have very few tools to prevent a situation like this. "Find out the criminal records and credit helps to know who we're dealing with," he suggested.

Both lawyers and other experts suggest creating a list of delinquent tenants, the style of central credit risk. Thus, if a tenant is paying, I could not access credit.

The opposite problem is faced by the inhabitants of slum properties. To avoid being evicted, the Housing Commission of the Congress approved this week a law to protect tenants against eviction possible automatically extended until December 2011 the right to remain where they are, in the case of land which does not exceed autovalúo S/.2.880.

According to Congressman Olga Cribilleros (APRA), chairman of the committee, the bill seeks to allow time for these families to access to state housing programs and not stay on the street.

However, for the architect Carlos Fernández-Dávila, these laws prevent the modernization of the city.

Social Contract
95% of leases is not seated in the Public Registry. Agreements are based on mutual trust between two parties.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Infant Sinus Infection

PJ Workers suspended an indefinite strike on Monday and returning to their jobs

Judiciary workers announced the suspension of an indefinite nationwide strike that held for several weeks, from Monday to resume their work.

This was announced by the secretary general of the Union of Workers of the Superior Court of Tacna, Cesar Aguilar Delgado, explaining that the measure was lifted for a period of 30 days from this Monday 6 December after Congress passed a bonus of 93 million soles in 2011.

"The indefinite nationwide strike from Judiciary workers in accordance with the statutes of the National Federation has determined to suspend the strike for a period of 30 days from December 6. The conditions are given in the report and from Monday's national workers return to their places of work, therefore the administration of justice will be standardized throughout the country ", said the official in communication with Radio One

also noted that under the act are some agreements and not to retaliate against workers because of the strike, there will be no allowance for days strike, but will have to pay an extra hour as a way to reward mandatory days left not working.

Radio One

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Dr. Silva Muñoz new chief justice

Dr. Carlos Alfonso Silva Muñoz, from below was forged as a judge and we hope to maintain this reputation

The senior members of the Court of Justice elected Lambayeque Dr. Carlos Alfonso Muñoz Silva as the new chairman for the period 2011-2012.

The young magistrate who has an excellent resume, the second attempt was crowned his dream, we hope that this new wave of young intellectuals judges, know salvage the prestige of the judiciary lambayecana that during the last 8 years has been mired in several scandals in which some judges were involved.

hope wisely steer the young president to serve not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe judiciary but also the administrative area of \u200b\u200bthe court lambayecana, which has long prevailed cronyism, familiarity and venality, leaving out young professionals excellent curriculum.

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lambayecana TC expects to have a better relationship with Peruvian judiciary San Martín


important to establish a mechanism for collaboration, said owner Carlos Mesia
confidence to have a more "rational, prudent and wise" with the new owner of the Judiciary (PJ) César San Martín Castro, to avoid some differences between the two institutions and establish mechanisms for collaboration, said yesterday re-elected President of the Constitutional Court, Carlos Mesia.

"In this new phase we expect a more rational, prudent and wise to the tribunal. We are confident that the new management of the Judiciary will be better relations, "he said.
In this context, he announced that propose actions to strengthen the Peruvian judiciary. Among them, he stressed that arise, the new judicial authority, a reform bill constitutional involves the participation of the owner of PJ in sessions where binding decisions are discussed in this sector.

"The idea is that the president of the Supreme Court temporarily participate in the discussion, the vote and the signing of the ruling on the unconstitutionality would (...), good for the country and democracy, and that the judiciary learns to see things from the perspective of the Constitution and not just the law. "
indicated that this mechanism would end any differences and" jealousy "on the Court's judgments Constitutional.

In a radio interview also addressed the need to initiate a phase of coordination to properly define the functions of the TC, the Judiciary and the National Judicial Council.
Mesia said it is time to go into a "stage of self-restraint" after some of the excesses committed by these institutions.

explained that "as far as the TC is a quasi-judicial political control is bound to a restraint and self-correction."

Positive Thoughts And Varicouse

Judiciary chair


"I'm in charge here" and "no one will attack a judge with impunity," says

offers affirmation of autonomy, transparency and independence of PJ
With a commitment to state autonomy and institutional independence, sustain, with all the country's governance, fight corruption and reduce the caseload and ensure transparency, the supreme vocal César San Martín Castro was elected president by a large majority of the Judiciary and Court Supreme, for the period 2011-2012, during a session of the Plenary held in Palace of Justice.

In his presentation to the press, the judge thanked his colleagues who gave their support, and his first words were "to ratify a thought and democratic life, and affirm the core values \u200b\u200band policies of a constitutional state. "
"I'm here as head of a state power, and it is my responsibility to assert their autonomy, independence of the judiciary, a transparent judicial administration and support, with all the country's governance," he said.

said that with the support of his colleagues were able to guarantee service quality justice. "The big problem with the case load and large pockets of corruption must be addressed decisively," he said.
At another point, he said, that a judge should be above the passions and any circumstance fine. "Here is the judiciary, to insist that nobody is going to attack with impunity to a judge of the Supreme Court, corner or nicking a judge of Peru perverse forces are alerted, I would not run, I'm in charge here."
also guarantee transparent trials, rigor, seriousness and professionalism, adding that cooperation between public authorities is indispensable.

He said the vote "historic" which won expresses the sentiment of institutional affirmation of autonomy of the judiciary, "the say no to the dark forces that seek to type in, corner or manipulate justice, these adventures will not. "
however, said that his vocation is for dialogue, reaching out to everyone. "Justice is not just an issue of judges, is a community issue and all sectors involved."

judge, current president of the Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, was endorsed by 13 votes of his colleagues, a total of 15 who participated in the election act. The owner of the Judiciary in office, Javier Villa Stein, said the new judicial authority won "in impeccable democratic election by thirteen votes to two. "

unconditional defense of judicial independence and autonomy of the judiciary. In addition, preserving the quality of jurisprudence and optimize control processes.

2 Ensure the realization of reforms to ensure efficient operation and autonomous institution.

3 Improve the configuration of work processes as well as common judicial services. Enter and replicate best practices.

4 Doing more outreach to the public by providing a more efficient, accessible and better coverage that best meets their legitimate interests and concerns. Tackling cultural barriers.

Courts authorities renewed
As the Supreme Court in 29 courts of Ecuador were elected to their respective president and head of the Office Decentralized Control Magistrates (Odecma) for the period 2011-2012.

The new officers who will assume the January 3, 2011 are: Esperanza Tafur Gupioc (Amazonas), Abraham Vilchez Castro (Ancash), Eli Altamirano Gliserio Alarcón (Apurimac), Jorge Luis Salas Arenas (Arequipa).

Caesar also Prado Prado (Ayacucho), Percy Leon Harvey Horna (Cajamarca) Peirano Daniel Sánchez (Callao), Luz Gladys Roque Montesillos (Cañete), Luis Alfonso Núñez Sarmiento (Cusco), Daniel Vasquez Cárdenas (from Santa), Max R. Alvarado (Huancavelica), Jorge Enrique Picon Ventocilla (Huanuco) Luis Alberto Vasquez Silva (Huaura).

Meneses Bonifacio Gonzales (Ica) Pimentel Alcibiades Zegarra (Junín), Walter Cotrina Miñano (La Libertad), Carlos Silva Muñoz (Lambayeque) , Héctor Lama More (Lima), Walter Diaz Zegarra (North Lima), Pedro Cartoline Pastor (Lima Sur); Aldo Atarama Lonzoy Nervo (Loreto), Moses Quipe Aucca (Moquegua), Samuel Moreno del Pozo (Pasco).

Luis Alberto Cevallos Vegas (Piura), Romulo Carcausto Calla (Puno), Jose Ignacio Baltazar Alvarez Chacón (San Martín); Gordillo Mario Cossio (Tacna), Percy Leon Elmer God (Tumbes), Rene Eduardo Martinez Castro (Ucayali).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Details the payment of maintenance

CONSTITUTIONAL COURT. To avoid vulnerability to the right of free transit.

Calls actions less burdensome issue, but equally satisfactory

Impairment departure is not the most appropriate measure, says TC
The ban from leaving the country is not the most appropriate measure to ensure the payment of alimony, established the Constitutional Court (TC), after declaring founded claim for habeas corpus made by a father who came to fulfill this obligation, but that in civil proceedings other guarantees required of it in an objective without specifying what those, which was proven infringement of the right to freedom of transit.

The Collegiate, thus, considered to have violated the constitutional right to free passage of the applicant because it was for the judge to assess the food processing, a Once issued the sentence, measures less burdensome but equally satisfactory and then consider a measure of impediment to leave a duly reasoned decision, referred the sentence handed down in the 00213-2010-PHC/TC No. Exp.

However, in the case under review, continued the prohibition to leave the country against the plaintiff, enacted to ensure compliance with the payment of advance allocation of food, even when there was already strong judgment by ordering the appellant paid the equivalent of 40% of all income, even more so when their workplace meeting came to court as the discount was credited on the record, in addition to having been arrested 50% of CTS.

This decision confirms an earlier approach advanced by the court, through the sentence passed in Exp No. 04679-2009-PHC/TC, which stated that "(...) the courts should exercise appropriate mechanisms to ensure compliance with the payment of alimony, may, if appropriate, issue even to the impediment of departure. However, this measure can not be maintained indefinitely, which would mean an undue restriction on the right of freedom of transit (...)".

is so, then, that the prohibition to leave the country, as an interim measure that restricts the right to free movement of the person established by judicial decision motivated to ensure payment of the anticipated allocation of food (a temporary measure on the merits ), is extinguished when issued final decision, so it can not pass protect full payment of alimony upon issuance of the sentence, at least to issue a new resolution giving reasons.

reelected Carlos Mesia
The full Constitutional Court, with the concurrence of all judges, elected yesterday to the doctor Carlos Mesia Ramirez as president of this important constitutional body. While he was appointed as Vice President Dr. Ernesto Alvarez Miranda and director of the Center for Constitutional Studies (CEC) Judge Eto Gerardo Cruz. In the coming days, will announce the date for the swearing-in style.
In this regard, Judge Ramírez Mesia said their main challenge will be to achieve the "zero case load." "The zero load would be an important milestone in the justice system in Peru, because no institution has reached, remember that the judiciary has a load of 2 million records, and the Public Ministry a similar figure, "he said.
Another priority will also be the construction of new premises of the institution to continue the development of technological processes, so that in the near future the college can issue notifications by e-mail and even cell phone. In addition, he reiterated, would be important to establish the virtual file, among others.
The election was held in closed session at the corporate headquarters and the announcement was made by the secretary general, Francisco Morales, on behalf of the full judges.

The dossier said
TC nullify the ruling by the Second Family Court for upholding the decision issued by the Third Court of Peace Counsel Surco and San Borja.

also decided that the Third Court of Peace Counsel Surco and San Borja resolve the legal status of the defendant at the end concerning the prohibition to leave the country in accordance with the sentence passed in Exp No. 00213-2010-PHC / TC.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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writing culminate
the draft legislation to amend the text

liberties would improve standards, restrictions and responsibilities
The special committee reviewing the Penal Code concluded the drafting of the new draft Penal Code, incorporating various proposals on issues such as limited liability, minimum sentence of imprisonment, restrictions and prohibitions, provision of community services, among others.

This document will be delivered to the President of Congress to be derived after the legislative groups Justice and Human Rights, said the head of the commission, Carlos Torres Caro, who explained that the proposal consists of five titles. The first relates to general provisions applicable to international crimes. The second rule
the crimes of genocide, the third deals with the various forms of crimes against humanity. The fourth defines crimes against international humanitarian law, qualified as war crimes, and the fifth, the rules common to all types of crime.

"We ended the draft. It only remains for Parliament to take responsibility and, under age 20 who meets the Penal Code, can realize the great reform in criminal matters that the country needs, "said Torres.
Thus, among the most outstanding innovations made by the commission is limited to the incorporation in the first section of the prohibition of Ne bis in idem, essential principle of a code guarantees. It is also argued that the limited liability of those under age 21 and those over 18 is extended to all crimes.

has increased the minimum sentence of imprisonment to two years. "This reflects the fact that at present the standard (two days) is ineffective and is not consistent with the search effective solutions to the problem of illicit gain, "he said.
According to Articles 31 and 53 of the bill, the penalty rises limited rights of five years and agreed to the applicability of crimes against humanity.

The draft finally recommended to extend the limits of length of disqualification from main and accessory that will be up to ten years. Also include new restrictions and prohibitions, such as not reside in certain places or go to them to not approach the victim, their family members or others that requires the judge, or not communicate with them.
is given also more threatening to the penalty area to provide services to the community by excluding imprisonment for minor offenses and authorize its application to medium severity.

Protection life
In regard to the special part, is a systematization of criminal penalties, taking as reference the protection of life because it is the most important legal asset of our legal system.
After extensive debate, with various institutions and civil society representatives, members of the review committee approved, likewise, decriminalization of abortion in exceptional cases, such as therapeutic abortion, eugenic abortion and abortion for rape. Fixed
also a legislative error that was the subject of several plenary agreements against their limitations. Thus, sex is decriminalized under 18 and over age 14 with consent. This happens as an aggravating factor in the basic rate of rape, when done without consent.

The special committee reviewing the Penal Code, after about 50 regular meetings and information sessions and 20 work public hearings over a period of two years and working environment, concludes the work entrusted to the Law N ° s. 29153, 29295 and 29435.

This review process began in April 2008, had three sources for the origin of the proposals for reform: internal source, external prior.

various hearings were also held with the participation of members of the judiciary, Public Ministry, National Police, Sunat, BCR, SBS, Indecopi, Fire Corps General, Ministry of Defence and the Environment, Asbanc, Chamber of Commerce Lima, SNI, ONPE Reniec, Comptroller General, JNE, INC., a total exceeded 80.

Improvements workers
human resource management will be important, especially when it is a constant in almost all steps of the state power demand of workers for better wages, how it intends to address?
"Here the focus is economic empowerment. Obviously, we need very large for our workers, which are the lowest paid sector, but it is important to link this issue with productivity and rearrangement of the system. Look closely at the legal system of legal employment and gradually improving their income. A serious prospect I think the work undertaken with teachers, rigorous, training, evaluation, improvements and facilities, as well as the commitment to act with objectivity, because justice is not only the judges but to all judicial personnel, and I know them There is this mystique and common perspective, it's about giving the treatment is of the quality of service they provide.

Strategies 1
unconditional defense of judicial independence and autonomy of the judiciary.

2 To preserve the quality of jurisprudence and optimize the processes of control.

3 To ensure the realization
reforms to ensure efficient operation and autonomous institution.

4 Develop and institutionalize a systemic relationship between the areas of planning, budgeting and administration.

5 Improve the configuration of work processes as well as common judicial services.

6 proposes a new organization for judicial office.

7 Gaining the support of international cooperation.

getting closer to citizens through the provision of a service rather efficient, accessible and better coverage.

9 Ensure transparency in the judicial and administrative task. In addition, strengthening the work of the OCMA and the inspectorate of the judiciary.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Debate Penal Code Magazine "Legal" KEYNOTE

Magazine "Legal" Edition 330 as every week with very interesting topics:

  • The inappropriateness of constitutional processes
  • Freedom of expression and public opinion in Peru (1810-1815)
  • Protection Constitution: Presumption of innocence
  • general history of the right of Juan Pablo Pampilla Baliño

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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330 Edition DOCTOR MAX Ugarte Vega Centeno

THE MAXIMUM Dr. Ugarte Vega Centeno, a professor at the School of Post Grade UNPRG, Former President of AMAG, Professor of San Marcos, PUCP, and other important positions.

Classes are suspended from 6pm, by resolution of the Dean of the FDCP, being part of the activities for the 45th anniversary of the faculty.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Talent 2010 - FDCP - UNPRG

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Selected students must be submitted on Tuesday 23 November at the auditorium of our faculty to 3:30 hours pm. Have only a ten minute period to support their presentations in the order to be determined after drawing among participants and five minutes to answer the questions the jury. The use of slides is optional.

3. JUAN Yaipen Chafloque - 4th "A"

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Date: Saturday, November 27, 2010
Time: 9:00 pm
Entry: S /. 5. 00.
Sale location: Faculty of Law UNPRG, room No. 7, or the same day at the entrance to the premises.

Limited capacity.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

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UNPRG Code Changes Criminal Procedure


Agenda. Parliament must address problems facing the criminal justice reform.

need to modify the preliminary investigation within

current regulation is insufficient for more complex cases

Pedro Angulo Arana Special Prosecutor for Criminal

Our Constitutional Court, in one of his last Case (Exp No. 2748-2010-PHC/TC, basis 10), has expressed the need to modify the time of the preliminary investigation in cases of complex investigations, which now gives the new Criminal Procedure Code which gives 8 months to investigate, it is possible to expand only by the judge of the preliminary investigation, just 8 months.
In the above, adding a final approach to policing, so that in case of certain serious offenses currently considered, the period of detention, which allows a better, broader parallel and research, can be up to 15 days as has been determined to occur, by constitutional mandate, in cases of espionage, terrorism and drug trafficking.

For us, modestly, because of our job performance in the prosecution, we believe, in fact, that the orders placed are urgent issues that the legislature should put on the agenda, as soon as possible, since such have to do with preventing crime in our country is developed, in quantities and forms that, unfortunately, is already doing in brother countries, like Colombia and Mexico.

Otherwise, the request can argue that it is in line with other measures already taken, towards the fight against crime, including the elimination of benefits for the perpetrators of serious crimes or the same rating made by TC, for the prosecutors to challenge the statements excluded from the investigation of persons accused of TID and money laundering.

difficulties in relation to the subject of research within First of all, the fact is that the end of eight months is obviously very short, because we know well that those who commit crimes, either grouped or more organizations, or have in his favor planning or have many resources, all level to hinder investigations and make them take longer than eight months to achieve its objectives of impunity.
In this sense it is true that in the investigation of crimes are simple cases, since in view of the circumstances or people who commit them, they become easy to solve, without offering more difficult, such was the case of former 33 year old altar boy Jehoshaphat Vargas Vitorino, who gave Apolo at the police station in La Victoria, on March 28, 2008, confessing, indeed shocked, the rape and murder of a girl of nine years.
However, there are also other cases such as homicides although not too many people involved as perpetrators and accomplices, and presented the conditions or "conditions" that the new CPP, identify 'complex cases ", are difficult to clarify, delaying thus more of the eight or sixteen months, set a deadline.
This is precisely what worries us too much, since we believe that if the new ruling CPP was in Lima, many cases not be clarified, as stakeholders solicited term control of the preliminary investigation judge and legally motivated to file the case, by an acquittal, which would be the triumph of impunity.

investigations in complex cases
There are also serious limitations and counterproductive in the standards noted, regarding the investigation of crimes such as homicides, even worse, is the problem, considering the mega- , which are being investigated 20, 30, 40 or 60 or more people. So to cases such as these, eight or sixteen months are still almost nothing.

In this regard, should be considered that people who commit crimes are also intelligent beings, capable and skilled, and if planned and / or organize, they could pose serious challenges for operators pursuing the crime. In such circumstances, it may be thought to exist or "formulas" magic soothsayers to ascertain the facts. This means that each case will require a consistent commitment to representing particular difficulty.

Another rule to be corrected is also shown in the art. 324.2 relating to confidentiality of any action or document that the law has been considered the prosecutor may have to be maintained, for only 20 days, may be extended, by the judge of the preliminary investigation, only up to 20 days. Such term does not really help much and would be bringing down the investigation.

Another issue is research on criminal cases of flagrante delicto or in cases of serious crimes (kidnapping, extortion, aggravated robbery), which is achieved in the early stages, arrest responsible, being wrong in such circumstances, it is intended that the arrested person can only be pregnant for 24 hours.
In such cases, the issue of detention for only 24 hours appears to be a fatal situation and pro impunity, since it would mean that we have imagined that all the facts which hold off the charge in the first hours or so blatant, and some art would become illegal clarify, within 24 hours, or worse, it is assumed that in no case will require more actions that may be made within 24 hours. This topic would
simple solution, extending the possible time to 15 days detention, as requested by the police conducting the investigation of crimes. Moreover, we believe that in each case, the maximum duration, ie 15 days, sustained way be justified.

For the public interest and the common good
Before the concrete knowledge of the difficulties faced in conducting investigations of crime, discarding any carelessness or laziness, has to apply in the public interest and the common good, that Congress worry about dealing with this reform.

Indeed, the TC, a new sentence (Exp. No. 03245-2010-PHC/TC), you just made, repeating his call to the Parliament, the foundation 11 (Case Analysis), recalling the term appears in the code "does not fit with social reality and with the powers for the Attorney General ...".

For example, under the rule of eight months and eight others, would not be cleared for vernacular singer Alicia Delgado,
because the investigation is now 17 months and still perform research activities . The same happens with the cases referred to Claudina Herrera, the murderer of the suitcase, or businesswoman Miriam Fefer. In this respect it should be that many homicide cases only come to clarify the two or three years, and up to four years

In conclusion, if Lima was under the rule of the new Criminal Procedure Code should be resigned to accept that he had been dismissed or, in the immediate future, will be dismissed all the cases cited, via the control period of the preliminary investigation, because the legislature did not consider certain criminal cases possess unusual difficulties in his enlightenment, without taking as a motive the negligence of the operators.


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JURISPRUDENCE: Denial of entry into the workplace or medical leave


The right of defense is expressly recognized in the Constitution and constitutes an element of due process rights. This right is projected as a principle to reverse any helplessness and adversarial principle of procedural measures that may affect the status of some of the parties, whether in a process or procedure, or if a third party with interest.

This was established by the Constitutional Court (TC), through relapse Case No. Exp-AA 00832-2009, which states upheld the claim for protection of a worker seeking her replacement workplace to be the victim of a fraudulent dismissal violated also their right to due process refers to a legal report of the Study Miranda & Amado Abogados.

In the present case, held the letters of notice and severance by which the worker is charged with breach of various obligations. However, after the company notified the worker notarized letter of notice prevented him from entering the workplace, which for the TC found infringement of the right to due process established in law.

remarks, moreover, that although the applicant informed the company on medical leave for temporary disability for eight days Essalud authorized, such as was refused, and accused in the letter of notice the abandonment of the workplace. This will affect the right to health of workers, compliance with which is concretized in the duty of employers to allow rest for health reasons, especially when the subject had been tested by the health authority. For the reasons stated, the court resolves to declare based on demand.

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avoid labor disputes with mediation


More than three thousand 500 workers paying benefits reconciled
Without resorting to the courts possible agreements in about 30 days

Issues such as the payment of Compensation for Time of Services , bonuses, vacation, among other outstanding during or upon termination of the employment relationship are the subjects addressed by most employers and workers in the management of the conciliation service of the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (PETM).

According to this industry, the use of this specialized mechanism for resolving the labor dispute has allowed only in Maharashtra, to serve more than 3.563 workers in the private sector, which managed more than 8.9 million soles together, in recognition of outstanding employee benefits.

In the period January to October 2010, the team managed MTPE conciliators that workers and employers reach an agreement satisfactory to 8'779, 988 soles and $ 55.757 in less than 30 days without having to resort to litigation.

To access this free service, workers must first go to the area of \u200b\u200bLabor Consultations or settlements (if ended the employment relationship), where reconciliations will be referred to administrators when labor violations.

This office program conciliation hearings, notifies the parties and act as mediators to achieve settle their disputes peacefully, quickly and effectively, without resorting to the judiciary. The proceedings are similar to a valid sentence. If after 30 days the parties do not make it come to a solution of labor problems, just can resort to the courts.

recognized social benefits during 2009 were resolved
3.652 cases, which workers won recognition of 11'254, 399 soles.

Friday, November 12, 2010

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MTPE suspended Judiciary Workers strike for higher wages bowed to

After meeting with Javier Villa Stein, president of PJ, the unions decided to lift the strike until Thursday 18.

After meeting with the chairman of the Judiciary, Javier Villa Stein, 70% of workers in that unit of State decided today to suspend the strike for four days abiding from Nov. 3 to demand an increase in their salaries.

The crackdown has been lifted until Thursday 18, the day the Congress debated the new scale of remuneration of workers PJ, and not be a solution the strike would be reinstated.

Speaking to the press, Villa Stein said that despite the differences that existed with the workers, no substantial differences because what is wanted is a restructuring of wages according to the modern state.

"After consulting with their bases achieved this matter, so is suspended (the strike) by 70%, we hope that with the passing of the hours the remaining 30% of unions comply this bill, "he said.

The secretary general of the National Federation of Workers PJ, Alcántara Diego, told Canal N that the strike has only been paralyzed for a few days to give the Ministry of Economy and Finance presenting the 2011 budget, which includes its increase, Congress, and it is approved.

reported that the bases have not yet deposed the strike are those of Ica, Ayacucho, Junin and Ucayali, but it was likely in the coming hours to join in the decision agreed with Villa Stein.

Finally, do not be clarified that the approval of its increase, PJ workers would resume the strike.