Advances creating a new criminal chamber of appeals to prevent load | procedural
Next January 3, the top vocal Carlos Silva Muñoz assume the presidency for two years of the Superior Court of Justice of Lambayeque, and vision to make some changes to improve care and have a better approach to community. One of the main goals of his future administration is to improve the administration of justice and give speed to the legal proceedings to prevent the caseload is becoming a new problem.
lambayecana In the Court's "many problems have already detected?
Even before run for president de la Corte de Justicia de Lambayeque conozco gran parte de ellos, porque soy juez y he vivido los mismos. Sin embargo, para estar empapado de todo y tener llegada directa a los problemas, estoy manteniendo reuniones diarias con los jueces de las diversas instancias y especialidades, para ver la forma directa cual es la problemática en general que tenemos en este distrito judicial.
¿Cuál es el objetivo?
Conversar con cada unos de los magistrados me va a permitir generar un diagnóstico e investigar sobre la problemática del Poder Judicial. La Corte de Justicia de Lambayeque es parte del sistema democrático nacional, porque está doomed to resolve conflicts of all people.
How important is the role of the judiciary in society?
We have an important role in our society that is democratic, transcendent and even societies can exist without laws, but necessarily have to be judges. The role of the judiciary in society is important because if there is no justice, there would be chaos, and if there is chaos, there is no society. The judiciary is important for the development of societies.
The judiciary is very important, but also many problems What to do?
Like any institution we have economic problems of organization, among others, but the problems are soluble, ie can be solved or given solution.
How to find solution to these problems?
There are many ways to give or find a solution to problems. For me, it just requires the conduct of the institution from a technical standpoint-political but not partisan, but political science.
But does that is present or not?
Currently, there is a bad image to the national judiciary, but I am of the idea and I have the certainty that an institutional policy, the judiciary Logar will reverse the negative image sometimes has. The strategies will be implemented to solve the image problem has to be technical, professional and specific.
What comes after the January 3 next year?
administrative, institutional autonomy, independence of the judge, but everything that has to support efficiency and ethical implications. All these parameters obviously require specific measures.
Where is democracy?
I am democratic in nature and I like listening to people to find solutions to problems and to innovate. Our management will be successful at the end of these 2 years.
And where is the distrust of the people in the judiciary?
The issue of public confidence is the main state institutions, and the Judiciary is not others.
The negative image is due to many factors, for example, non-completion of legal proceedings within the time limits, the proper care not by the administrators of justice to litigants, the result of judgments in adjudicative system based on, among others.
This means that the negative image of the judiciary is due to the dissatisfaction of the litigants with the decisions or judgments that the judges issue. Yes or no?
When there is an issue and reach a decision, you will always see people who are unhappy and dissatisfied. We do not We are facilitators.
The new Code of Criminal Procedure has a good time in effect. Are there any results?
We have good results, but these results are optimal in the administration of justice than we need to create a new Criminal Court of Appeals. Currently there by Dr. Magdalena Chavez Mella, which is no longer sufficient and needs a new, which will be created in the early months of next year.
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