A science fiction story in mercenaries who manage to enter the dreams of others so as to recreate the dream world of the dreamer and manipulate the subconscious of the subject.
The plot has several action scenes and a structure similar to the levels of the game. However, I think that takes away some of the surrealism of the dream world, rarely shows the absurdity of the dream to reality for the dreamer are reasonable.
After seeing Paprika, Detective of Dreams of Satoshi Kon, Japanese animation, which handles the same subject, hoping that Nolan's film exceeded expectations. In the film by Satoshi Kon, a device stolen revolutionizing psychological therapies, allowing the therapist to immerse themselves in the minds of their patients and record their dreams, thus the city is in danger by being immersed in a collective dream. The film goes to all sorts of surreal images in dreams, and sometimes it is not clear the difference between dream and reality, which increases the stress along this crazy film.
While Kon animation exploits the dreamlike quality of dreams and instills the fear of not knowing whether we are awake or asleep does create a climate in my view more interesting than the Origin.