The nervous voice Tenant begins to listen, a bit fragile because of its remoteness, but steadily, as if it were a drum and you apache a lot of pilgrims who come to the West for the first time.
Yes, Tenant is brewing and nervousness before his imminent appearance should be similar to the one who expected an unwanted child but to accept and obey and love him despite everything he does.
" Tenant will change their lives? We do not know. "Tenant save them? Doubtful. Can not save us anything , so, no nothing at all? Of boredom, perhaps. Is this enough? Yes, it is hell, we're doing things with our hands and our heads and these things are already in a computer - has, until now, a virtual existence - and will soon be in print and then not much, say the September 8 around ten at night and in a party whose place was already known but not revealed yet, be on your hands.